The content of this site is not suitable for minors
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By clicking on ENTER, I certify that I am of legal age in my country and agree to the use of cookies in order to provide me with optimal navigation as well as adapted services and offers.

By entering this site, you will discover thousands of X movies in HD to watch in streaming or to download on demand. I am aware that this site contains videos, images and documents of a sexual nature that may offend the sensibilities of some people. I visit this site of my own free will and waive any legal proceedings against its authors.

Protection of minors In order to preserve the protection of minors and to help you in this respect, Jacquie et Michel TV suggests that you use specific content filtering software, which are easily accessible on the Internet, such as ovenantEyes (paid), x3watch (paid), Qustodio (free/paid), Netnanny (paid), or to filter without software thanks to this tutorial

Article 227-22 of the Penal Code: Promoting or attempting to promote the corruption of a minor is punishable by five years' imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros. These penalties are increased to seven year's imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 euros when the minor has been put in contact with the perpetrator of the acts through the use of an electronic communications network for the dissemination of messages intended for a non-specified public, or when the acts are committed in teaching or educational establishments or on the premises of the administration, as well as during the entry or exit of pupils or the public or in the immediate vicinity of these establishments or premises. The same penalties are applicable in particular to the fact, committed by an adult, of organizing meetings involving sexual exhibitions or relations in which a minor attends or participates or of knowingly attending such meetings. The penalties are increased to ten years' imprisonment and a fine of 1,000,000 euros when the acts were committed in an organized gang or against a minor of fifteen years of age.

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General conditions of sale of the site

This site is published by ARES (hereinafter "the Company"), a company registered in the Pau Trade Register under number 752 652 891, whose registered office is located at 11 rue Ada Byron, 64000 Pau.

Editor-in-chief: Jacques Perrin.

The present general conditions of sale apply to all sales concluded on the website, subject to the specific conditions indicated in the presentation of the products.

ARTICLE 1 : Mandatory information

The contents of the service are of an erotic and/or pornographic nature, consisting of texts, sounds, videos and images and may offend or harm the sensitivity of the public. Consequently, the present content of the Service is exclusively reserved for persons of legal age in their country of residence who wish to use such services. This Service and the contractual relationship between the User and the company are governed by the conditions established in the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

These General Sales Conditions may be modified without prior notice or communication from the company to the User of the Service. The modification or cancellation of one or more of the provisions of these General Conditions of Sale shall in no way cancel or alter the rest of the agreement or the commercial relationship with the User.

ARTICLE 2 : Essential characteristics of the products and services sold

The customer declares that he/she has read and accepted the general terms and conditions of sale before placing his/her order. The validation of your order is therefore deemed to be acceptance of the general conditions of sale.

The website website provides its users with a video-on-demand service.

The site offers two ways of accessing the videos: single purchase and subscription.

Purchase of individual videos

The user who has purchased a single video can then:

- download it(*) to your computer, smartphone or tablet for unlimited viewing;

- view it on the website as many times as they wish for a period of 5 days;

(*) the download is only valid on the videos belonging to the universe #REAL.


A subscription gives the user the same possibilities as a single purchase but on all the videos available on the site.

Subscriptions are renewed automatically on expiry. Subscriptions are not refundable, it is up to the user to anticipate requests for non-renewal. Requests for non-renewal take effect at the end of the subscription period.

The User may subscribe to the Website to access all digital Content available there without any limitation, for a period of one day (hereinafter: "trial period") or for a period of one month (hereinafter: "subscription period").

We will renew the subscription automatically and will continue until one month unless and until You cancel your subscription or we terminate it, in each case pursuant to the terms of these Terms. You must cancel your subscription before it renews in order to avoid fees due under the next billing cycle.

Unless You have provided notice of cancellation, You agree to charge You the applicable subscription fee. If you fail to renew Your subscription for the Website in a timely manner by paying the applicable fee, the Company is entitled to restrict and/ or terminate your access to the Website and/or terminate your account as well.

The User may cancel his/her subscription at any time by sending a simple request to through the unsubscribe

To cancel the automatic renewal of the subscription, the User may also contact the customer service of the Website via the contact form, or via unsubscribe form.

Subject to your payment of any applicable subscription, or pay per view, the Company grants You a non-exclusive, non-transferrable, personal, non-sub licensable, limited right and license to view and/or download videos based upon the applicable subscription, or pay per view selected by you.

Unsubscribe policy

The user may at any time stop the automatic renewal of his subscription by simple request to the address [email protected]

To stop the automatic renewal, you can also contact the site's customer service department through unsubscribe form.

You can also contact the after-sales service of Straceo.


The user undertakes to reserve the use of the videos purchased on the site for private use and is prohibited from the broadcasting outside this framework of the videos that he/she would have bought or acquired by taking out a subscription. In particular, it is strictly forbidden to provide the videos to other websites.

ARTICLE 3 : Price

Prices of the videos are indicated in euros including all taxes (incl. taxes).

The company reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, it being understood that the User's orders will be invoiced to the User on the basis of the prices in force at the time of the order.

ARTICLE 4 : Ordering

You have the possibility to order our products directly on our website.

You can place an order on our site by using one of the buttons provided or by viewing the video in its free version until the end.

Although it is not compulsory, the user is strongly advised to create an account either before placing an order or at the time of its completion.

ARTICLE 5 : Terms of payment

Payment processes are delegated to the online service

ARTICLE 6 : Right of withdrawal and refunds

Refunds policy

If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with a purchase we invite you to review our policy on refunds and returns.

The following terms are applicable for any products that you purchased with us.

Interpretation and Definitions Interpretation

The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.


For the purposes of this Return and Refund Policy:

Company (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to Ares SAS, 11 rue Ada Byron, 64000 Pau.

Goods refer to the items offered for sale on the Service.

Orders mean a request by you to purchase goods from us.

Service refers to the Website.

Website refers to website, accessible from website

You means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.

Your Order Cancellation Rights

You are entitled to cancel your Order within 14 days without giving any reason for doing so. The deadline for cancelling an Order is 14 days from the date on which you received the Good. In order to exercise your right of cancellation, you must inform us of your decision by means of a clear statement.

You can inform us of your decision by email: [email protected]

We will reimburse you no later than 14 days from the day on which we receive the notification.

We will use the same means of payment as you used for the Order, and you will not incur any fees for such reimbursement.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Refunds Policy, please contact us by email: [email protected].

ARTICLE 7 : Protection of children

This service is only available to adults. Minors must not access this service. By using this service, you declare that you are of age. The company publishing the service is not responsible in case of false declaration by the user. The contents of the service are erotic and/or pornographic, composed of texts, sounds, videos and images and may offend or harm the sensitivity of the public. Therefore consequently, the present content of the Service is exclusively reserved for persons of legal age in their country of residence and wishing to use such services. This Service and the contractual relationship between the User and the company are governed by the conditions established in these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

You agree that You will not use or attempt to use any method, device, software, or routine to harm others or interfere with the functioning of the Website, or use and/or monitor any information in or related to the Website for any unauthorized purpose.

In addition to the general restrictions above, the following restrictions and conditions apply specifically to your use of Website. Any determination regarding breach of any of the following is final. Please review the following list of prohibited uses carefully before using the Website.

Specifically, You agree not to:

- violate any law or encourage or provide instructions to another to do so;

- act in a manner that negatively affects other Users’ ability to use the Website, including without limitation by engaging in conduct that is harmful, threatening, abusive, inflammatory, intimidating, violent or encouraging of violence to people or animals, harassing, stalking, invasive of another’s privacy, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable;

- use the Website in any way that promotes or facilitates prostitution, solicitation of prostitution, human trafficking, or sex trafficking;

- use the Website in any way that promotes or facilitates child pornography;

- use the Website to arrange any in-person meetings for purposes of sexual activity for hire;

- deploy programs, software, or applications designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment, including by engaging in any denial of service attack or similar conduct;

- deploy or use programs, software or applications designed to harm, interfere with the operation of, or access in an unauthorized manner, services, networks, servers, or other infrastructure;

- exceed your authorized access to any portion of the Website;

- remove, delete, alter, circumvent, avoid, or bypass any digital rights management technology, encryption or security tools used anywhere on the Website or in connection with our services;

- remove, delete, alter, circumvent, avoid, or bypass any age verification processes, technologies or security tools used anywhere on the Website or in connection with our services;

- alter or modify without permission any part of the Website or its Content, including ads;

- obtain or attempt to access or otherwise obtain any Content or information through any means not intentionally made available or provided for through the Website;

- exploit errors in design, features which are not documented, and/or bugs to gain access that would otherwise not be available;

- use the Website in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair the site or interfere with any other party’s use of the Website, including their ability to engage in real time activities through the Website;

- use any robot, spider, or other automatic device, process, or means to access the Website for any purpose, including monitoring or copying any of the material on the Website without our prior written consent;

- use any manual process to download, monitor or copy any of the material on the Website or for any other unauthorized purpose;

- use any device, bots, scripts, software, or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Website or that shortcut or alter Website functions to run or appear in ways that are not intended by the Website’s design;

- introduce or upload any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, corrupted files or any other similar software, program, or material which is malicious or technologically harmful or that that may damage the operation of another’s property or of the Website’s or our services;

- attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage, or disrupt any parts of the Website, the server on which the Website are stored, or any server, computer, or database connected to the Website;

- remove any copyright or other proprietary notices from our Website or any of the materials contained therein;

- attack the Website via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack;

- otherwise attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Website.

ARTICLE 8 : Consumer complaints

All consumer complaints should be sent electronically to [email protected]

ARTICLE 9 : Intellectual property

All comments, images and illustrations on our website are exclusively reserved to us. Under intellectual property and and copyright, any use is prohibited except for private use.

Without prior authorisation, any reproduction of our site, whether partial or total, is strictlyprohibited.

ARTICLE 10 : Responsibility

The company shall not be held responsible for any malfunction or interruption in the provision of the service due to or resulting from a case of force majeure, as defined by jurisprudence.

The Company shall not be liable for any damage suffered by the User and/or any third party under the subscription (i) if such damage results, in whole or in part, from the action or omission of the User and/or any third party, (ii) if such damage is due to a technical incompatibility of its equipment.

Hyperlinks on the site may lead to other Internet sites. The company cannot be held responsible if the content of these third-party sites contravenes the legal and/or regulatory provisions in force.

Given the immaterial nature of the Service provided by the company and its technical characteristics, and given that the fact that data transmissions on the Internet network, which brings together heterogeneous networks with different technical characteristics and capacities, only allow a relative technical reliability, the User of the Service expressly acknowledges that he/she may encounter problems and/or malfunctions in communications with the Service, despite the possible quality of broadcasting observed during the bandwidth test offered within the Service.

Consequently, the User acknowledges that the company offers no guarantee as to the use, results, reliability or timeliness of the Service. The User acknowledges that, due to the nature of the Service, the company may modify the content of the Site without prior notice, adding or deleting parts of the content of the Service. The User waives the right to object to the payment of his orders within the Service for the reasons mentioned above.

The company reserves the right to refuse access to its Service without having to justify.

The company cannot be held responsible in the event of the deletion of cookies making it impossible to view the films.

The company shall not be held responsible in any way for the disappearance, loss or deterioration and in particularany damage likely to alter the materials required for access.

ARTICLE 11 : Personal information

Information relating to the customer may be transmitted to commercial partners of the site, unless the customer objects.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation:

- the Site ensures that the User's personal information is collected and processed with respect for privacy;

- the User has the right to access, rectify, delete and oppose his personal data when he has created an account. The User may exercise this right by sending a simple request to the following address email [email protected].

ARTICLE 12 : Jurisdiction and applicable law

In case of conflict between the customer and our company, the applicable law is French law.

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